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A Royal Just Because Women - May 2018

In celebration of the UK Royal wedding, at their once a month get together, the Just Because Women donned their royal garments and had a good time, just because!

Year End Celebration - November 2018


November 2018

Host: Debbie Rudon

"Remembering the Reason for the Season"

Guest Speaker: Lorna Shaw-Wright


Just Because we woke up this morning there is no guarantee that we will see the end of the day. There are many obstacles, stressors, and situations in the world today that can and has caused death and destruction on a daily basis. Case in point, the sudden Californian fires! 

Just Because we go to church every Sunday does not make us Christians. Many go to church Sunday after Sunday, year after year and never participate, never pray until trouble hits, never read their Bibles until the Scriptures are read during service, and yet find the time to criticize and backbite.

Just Because I ask about you doesn't mean it was genuine. We live in a world where hate, envy, and jealousy far outweighs love. Many compete for material things when we should be striving for spiritual gain.

Just Because we go to work every day doesn't mean that we want to be there. There may be countless negative situations on the job, but we go because we have financial obligations.

Just Because we know Jesus was born to save the world, doesn't mean everyone does. The real meaning for the season is Jesus! Christ came to earth; he was born for a purpose.


He's today the highest!

He's today the greatest!

He's today the mighty giver of our salvation.

Christ is the reason for the Season!

Yet we neglect Him on the day we celebrate His birthday. We shop for gifts for family and friends, make big delicious meals, and send out cards. How many times during all the chaos do we stop and take a moment to reflect on Christ: the Man, Christ the Savior, or Christ the Messiah.

How many take the time to put an extra offering in the plate or volunteer at a homeless shelter? As we go through this season, let us pledge in our hearts to approach this season with a different attitude, remembering that Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Bring Him a gift of total surrender; the greatest gift of all.


Celebration Lunch


Jamaican Oxtail

Smoked Turkey


Rice and Peas



Tossed Salad

Fruit Salad


...and more

We celebrated birthdays and exchanged gifts.

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