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God's Answer to Man's Complaint

Jeremiah 12:1-6

Jeremiah the prophet was going through a situation [like we are today] he had a serious problem. Something was bothering the prophet deep down inside. It was something that he couldn’t solve himself, so he decided to ask God about it.


Jeremiah recognized the Sovereignty of God, His holiness and Righteousness, so the prophet approached the Lord as such and laid his complaint before Him. He said, "Righteous art thou, O Lord, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Lord why do the wicked prosper?" I just don't understand!...... Everything is going good for the wicked. They become rich and famous, living in a world of champagne, diamonds and bank notes. Why Lord?


God's answer was very profound and powerful He told Jeremiah that. 5 "If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses? and if in the land of peace, wherein thou trustest, they wearied thee, then how wilt thou do in the swelling of Jordan?"


The Lord drew the analogy dealing with the foot man and the horses. If Jeremiah couldn't deal with the small things now how was he going to deal with bigger things when he was confronted with them?


What is our concern and complaint today? We too have to take it to God and wait trust Him for the answer.  
When the church doors are locked and we are not able to worship God and experience the anointing what used to fall among the believers!  When we are not able to see each other and even if we do have to be six feet apart and our faces are covered, it is hard and the challenges and the restrictions continue. 
But when we come in contact with God and the Living Word we will see things differently. When we trust in God new opportunities are opened to us. We must recognize and seize those opportunities.  God will make a way for us! King David said, rest in Lord and wait patiently for Him!

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