Easter Brings Everlasting Hope
Easter is an important time in history for Christians, a time to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I have a passion for this time of the year because it was during this time when I gave my heart to the Lord and received Him as my personal Savior and Lord.
The word “Easter “comes from an old German word for east. However, regardless of its origin, the mere fact that the word reminds the Christians of their “Hope” in Jesus, gives strength in time of hardship and struggle. Even though we face challenges, hope peeps through with creativity, skills, and a better tomorrow, for we believe in the One who gives us this hope.
Hope marks the anniversary of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension to heaven and should not be turned into a melting pot of activities that has nothing to do with the meaning of the word itself. If Jesus did not rise from the dead there would be no need to celebrate Easter and man would be lost without hope.
May I say that our people can rejoice today for we have been shaped by the perseverance and passion to go forward in whatever gift you are blest with for with this hope your tomorrow will be bright.
Let’s rejoice and celebrate Easter! For the price has been paid for our freedom that gives us hope!